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Folder 6. Loving Jesus (26 PDFs)

Jesus is the Hero of our story. In fact, all of history is His Story. It is easy to miss it: easy to look at the world and not see a Creator; easy to look at our history and not see His Story. Seeing Him changes everything. Gaze with wondering love!

Jesus in Victory at the Cross: Our Heroic Savior


Folder 1. Jesus, 7 Key Moments in His Life (8 PDFs)

John wrote that to tell the full story of Jesus' life, it would take more books than the world could contain. Unquestionably. So, here we have 7 absolutely key moments that tell the highlights of Jesus' life, at least in terms of what we know...

Jesus Our Savior

Folder 2. Jesus: His Early Years (9 PDFs)

The "early" years of Jesus go back a long way--into the very depth of uncreated Existence. Naturally, we begin there, then follow the Eternal Word to earth and trace His developmental journey as He grew “in wisdom, stature and favor."

Jesus Teaching in Temple

Folder 3. Jesus: His Death and Resurrection (9 PDFs)

Jesus' death and resurrection are the FACTS of our new life. Our faith is founded upon these twin Realities. But just exactly what was going on behind the scenes on that fateful Day? And how can we know for sure He is Risen?

Jesus Crucified - Top View

Folder 4. Jesus: His Ascension; Our Inheritance (8 PDFs)

The Ascension of Jesus Christ carries tremendous consequences for us and also provides an important focus for our faith-vision of our Risen Lord. As Jesus ascended to receive His inheritance, the Father poured out an inheritance upon us.

Jesus, Our Ascended High Priest


pdf Bonus: Two FACTS of the Resurrection Popular

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JC.Two Facts of the Resurrection.pdf

Being born again means that God has in some way revealed Jesus to us as our living Savior and Lord. We absolutely know that He died for us and rose again. Our faith isn’t founded on spiritual belief, but on fact, and that makes a world of difference...

The Two FACTS of the Resurrection

pdf Jesus, Our Heroic Savior Popular

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JC.Jesus Our Savior.pdf

Jesus is the Hero of our story. In fact, all of history is His Story. It is easy to miss it: easy to look at the world and not see a Creator; easy to look at our history and not see His Story. Seeing Him changes everything. Gaze on Him with wondering love!

Jesus, Our Heroic Savior

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