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Folder 1. How Can I Get to Heaven? (9 PDFs)

Do you have time? Good, then let's take a brief look at what lies beyond death and why we need to get this question answered. This will pave the way for being very happy with the answer our loving Father supplies!

Highway to Heaven - How to Get to Heaven?


pdf 1. How Can I Get to Heaven? (26-page eBook) Popular

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This is a series of FAQs beginning with why seeking is so necessary, to why we need saving, to who qualifies for heaven, and what God's loving solution to our problem is. Ending (of course) with how to get saved. But that's just a new beginning...

Highway to Heaven

pdf 2. Are You a Seeker? Popular

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SQ.Are You a Seeker.pdf

The critical step is the one you have already taken, so relax. You are a seeker, or you wouldn’t be scouring the web looking for an answer. The insurmountable obstacle would be if you had no interest in seeking God or His salvation.

Salvation: Are You a Seeker? God Touching Adam

pdf 3. What Are the "Salvation Basics"? Popular

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SQ.What Are the Basics.pdf

This is an overview that will put everything else in a coherent perspective, like what happens right before your eyes when your airplane takes off: Suddenly the earth begins to look far more orderly than you had ever imagined.

The A, B, C's : What You Need to Know to Get Saved!

pdf 4. Why Do I Need to Be Saved? Popular

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SQ.Why Do I Need to Be Saved.pdf

No doubt you have your own specific reasons for why you need to be saved: Things you have messed up or messed up things about yourself that you just can’t fix. Here are reasons why everyone needs to be saved.

Salvation: Why Do I Need to Be Saved? Cat and Goldfish

pdf 5. Who Qualifies for Salvation? Popular

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SQ.Who Qualifies for Salvation.pdf

There is always a catch, but in this case what will “hook” you is how entirely pre-qualified you already are. Without a doubt you are exactly the kind of person our God is looking for! This isn’t flattery or even a wild guess, just playing the odds…

Who Qualifies for Salvation?


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First, you have to give up the false idea that there is something other than a true heaven out there. Then, you need to realize that you cannot possibly “get” yourself there. Then, the rest is up to Someone else…

Cat Stuck in a Jar : You Need Someone to Save You!

pdf 7. How Can I Get Saved? Popular

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This is the best part! And it is a surprisingly easy step to take—if you are willing to take it. The hard part is all that it took to get you ready and make you willing to be open to a moment like this…

How Can I Get Saved?

pdf 8. What Is the New Birth? Popular

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SQ.What Is the New Birth.pdf

If you have prayed to be saved, you will definitely want to find out what just happened to you. Maybe you feel like you are floating on air. That’s great but be sure to come back down to earth eventually and load up on some deeper understandings.

Baby Crawling : What Is the New Birth? : What Just Happened?

pdf 9. How Was I Born Again? Popular

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SQ.How Was I Born Again.pdf

First, there is the question "What just happened to me?" That's quite a long list! Then, comes trying to figure out how it happened. With this we're poking our heads into a mystery, but Jesus dropped some "bread crumbs" to inspire our thinking.

Human Embryo : How was I born again? What did God do?

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