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Folder 2. Jesus: His Early Years (9 PDFs)

The "early" years of Jesus go back a long way--into the very depth of uncreated Existence. Naturally, we begin there, then follow the Eternal Word to earth and trace His developmental journey as He grew “in wisdom, stature and favor."

Jesus Teaching in Temple


pdf 1. Jesus: His Early Years (42-page eBook) Popular

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JC.Jesus - His Early Years eBook.pdf

The "early" years of Jesus go back a long way--into the very depth of uncreated Existence. Naturally, we begin there, then follow the Eternal Word to earth and trace His developmental journey as He grew “in wisdom, stature and favor."

Jesus Teaching in the Temple

pdf 2. His Eternal Pre-Existence Popular

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JC.His Eternal Pre-Exisence-2.pdf

Jesus didn’t suddenly appear on the scene with His birth at Bethlehem, nor was He waiting in the wings rehearsing His lines! What was the Son of God doing before He became the Son of Man? The clues are like stardust in the heavens.

Jesus as Creator: His Eternal Pre-Existence; God of Israel

pdf 3. The Living Word Popular

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JC.The Living Word.pdf

Among ourselves we trust a person’s word because we trust the person. It works the same with God. The Father knows we don’t know Him and find it hard to trust Him, so He not only wrote His Word down, He sent Him to us!
The Living Word: Jesus Is the Living Word of God

pdf 4. His Miraculous Birth Popular

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JC.His Miraculous Birth-2.pdf

As our Model and Example, Jesus' birth speaks volumes about our own new life in Him. What it reveals will make you marvel at the “risk” He took and the miracle, not only of His birth, but of His unwavering pursuit of His divine assignment.
Birth of Jesus : His Miraculous Birth : Self-Emptying

pdf 5. The Bethlehem Star Popular

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JC.The Bethlehem Star.pdf

The Father moved heaven and earth to give His Son’s birth a “stellar” announcement. This combines history, astronomy and a very close reading of the Biblical text—more fantastic, yet closer to scripture, than the greeting card images.
The Star and Wise Men : Astronomy, History, and the Bible

pdf 6. His Incomparable Life Popular

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JC.His Incomparable Life-2.pdf

When it comes to showing us how to live, Jesus really is the Master. Trying to copy His ways from the outside in, however, is a guaranteed formula for frustration and failure. We need to see how He did it from the inside out.
Our God: Walking as Jesus Walked: His Incomparable Life

pdf 7. The Man Going Down Popular

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JC.The Man Going Down.pdf

Jesus came down from heaven to be with us as one of us. Then, He descended further and became what we had always been meant to be. We, on the other hand, can hardly wait to rise higher. Yet, our own descending is life-saving.
Jesus: The Man Going Down: The Kenosis of Christ: Divine Descent

pdf 8. Thirty Hidden Years Popular

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JC.Thirty Hidden Years.pdf

Our Lord loves to keep secrets for us to discover. Take a peak at His "hidden" years in Nazareth. Here was God Incarnate quietly going about daily life with no one but Mary and Joseph suspecting the astounding truth. He desired the privacy!

Jesus Our Savior: the 30 Hidden Years: Jesus as a Boy with Joseph

pdf 9. Three Public Years Popular

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JC.Three Public Years.pdf

Considering what Jesus came to do (besides the cross), it is all-the-more remarkable that He fit it into three brief years of public ministry. The whole time He was ministering to others, He was diligently carrying out this "secret" agenda.

Jesus Our Savior: Jesus with His Disciples

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