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Folder 1. Preparing for Ministry (8 PDFs: Calling, Spiritual Gifts and Training)

Ministry doesn't require a doctorate: for most things all you need is a heart and the willingness to jump into that sea of human need, lostness, and misery which surrounds you. But since you will be "tested" on the job concerning these basics, why not take a little time to prepare? (The photo link takes you to this section of our website.)

Preparing for Ministry


pdf 1. Preparing for Ministry (39-page eBook) Popular

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PM.Preparing for Ministry (eBook).pdf

For most things all you need is a heart and the willingness to jump into that sea of human need which surrounds you. Nevertheless, you will be “tested” on the job, so be sure you know what these basics are and have them in play.

Preparing for Ministry : Water for a Footwashing Service

pdf 2. Preparing for Ministry Popular

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MIN-PM.Preparing for Ministry.pdf

Considering the Lord’s high standards, you might think it takes a long time to get ready to do “ministry.” But for most things all you need is a heart and the willingness to jump into that sea of human need, lostness, and misery which surrounds you.

Preparing for Ministry

pdf 3. Calling and Purpose Popular

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MIN-PM.Calling and Purpose.pdf

Because God calls us into relationship, we have not one, but two magnificent purposes to discover: 1) the joy of knowing Him intimately and 2) the unique way He designed us to be of loving service to others. Meanwhile, destiny beckons...

Calling and Purpose

pdf 4. The School of the Spirit Popular

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MIN-PM.The School of the Spirit.pdf

There are lessons of the Lord which can be described in class, but can only be imparted by the Spirit in the school of daily life. That means leaning to survive trials and eventually thrive in the midst of them. Fortunately, our Teacher is also our Comforter!

The School of the Spirit

pdf 5. Talents, Fruit and Gifts Popular

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MIN-PM.Talents Fruit and Gifts.pdf

The Lord gives talents and natural abilities to everyone as a way of getting us started in life. We are wise to grow them. Wiser still would be cultivating those gifts and fruit which are unique to who we now are in Christ as His new creations.

Talents, Fruit and Gifts

pdf 6. Five Ministry Gifts Popular

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MIN-PM.5 Ministry Gifts.pdf

Considering how important these five gifts are in God’s plan, it should not be too surprising that the enemy has tried to eliminate or decimate them. Several nearly died out. The good news is that they are all staging a comeback!

5 Ministry Gifts

pdf 7. Seven Motivational Gifts Popular

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MIN-PM.7 Motivational Gifts.pdf

These should be of particular interest to everyone, since each of us has been given at least one. Oddly enough, it’s not always obvious to us what our unique gift is. Perhaps the Lord enjoys playing Hide and Seek more than we might imagine!

7 Motivational Gifts

pdf 8. Nine Manifestation Gifts Popular

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MIN-PM.9 Manifestation Gifts.pdf

The baptism in the Spirit is Jesus' provision for supernatural supply, but it is never forced on anyone. Yet, through those who receive it, Jesus pours out gifts that will manifest as signs and wonders for the sake of ministry to someone He wants to bless.

9 Manifestation Gifts

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