Published on 12 September 2014 By Steve Evans 1188 downloads
Three articles on the power of God's grace to liberate us: The 2nd Greatest Trick of the Enemy, A Challenge to Go All Out , An Offer You Can't Refuse.
Published on 12 September 2014 By Steve Evans 1216 downloads
The central theme is overcoming unbelief while cultivating an active faith: The Power of "Active" Believing, The Silent Killer, Believing the "Impossible."
Published on 24 March 2015 By Steve Evans 839 downloads
The Keys to the Kingdom: Jesus has given us keys to unlock our hearts and to gain entry into His kingdom where the peace and joy abound in this life, along with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. We need to learn how to use these keys!
Published on 20 February 2014 By Steve Evans 1539 downloads
This is our February 2014 eNewsletter about birth and re-birth, bringing two heavenly perspectives to you for your enjoyment and liberation. :)
Published on 22 January 2014 By Steve Evans 1606 downloads
This is our January 2014 eNewsletter and it carries three flights of imagination, but of fairly different kinds of images. Enjoy!
Published on 12 September 2014 By Steve Evans 1200 downloads
The focus is on overcoming condemning and self-accusing thoughts: The "Voice" That Seeks to Enslave, From the Garden to the Globe, Learn to Discern the "Voice."
Published on 12 September 2014 By Steve Evans 1168 downloads
These articles are on ways to overcome envy and jealousy and enter into "godly contentment": How This Stronghold Began, What It Feeds On, God's Antidote for Envy and Jealousy.
Published on 22 March 2014 By Steve Evans 1886 downloads
The 2nd Greatest Trick the Enemy Ever Pulled; A Challenge to Go All Out; and An Offer You Can't Refuse.
Published on 12 September 2014 By Steve Evans 1192 downloads
This month is about ways to overcome fear and anxiety: How to Live "Above" Fear, Accept that It Is a Battle, Living "Beyond" Fear.
Published on 18 November 2014 By Steve Evans 983 downloads
The best time for spiritual growth is when you feel disconnected from the sweet peace and freedom that comes whenever we are rightly connected to Jesus. Learn to "Recognize and Replace!" whatever got in you with what Jesus desires to give you instead.
Published on 15 October 2014 By Steve Evans 1113 downloads
You may know someone who is "stuck in the mud" of an addiction or complusion. It helps to understand what's going on. These truths will liberate anyone who works at believing them and applying them.
Published on 25 September 2014 By Steve Evans 1154 downloads
Ever felt the pain of rejection? This one's for you: Why it hurts so much, what it is that snares us in it, and how to get free.