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Without a doubt the timing of Rapture in relation to the Great Tribulation is the most hotly debated piece of the Last Days’ puzzle. If we don’t put this key piece in the right place, all the other pieces will be pushed out of proper order and thrown into confusion.

When Is the Rapture?


pdf 1. When Is the Rapture? (62-page eBook) Popular

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Right here are gathered all twenty of the "When Is the Rapture?" examinations of scripture, along with the final statement on the topic: Jesus' own timeline for the End Times taken directly from His Matthew 24 teaching.

When Is the Rapture?

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WR.When Is the Rapture.pdf

If the Lord is coming to take the Church out of harm’s way, then no one needs to do anything to prepare. In addition, if the Rapture can happen “at any moment”, then we believers are just as in the dark as the unbelieving world. But is any of this true?

When Is the Rapture?

pdf 3. A History of the Rapture Popular

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Rapture History - J Preston Eby.pdf

This history of the Rapture theory is eye opening. One question to ask about it is this: Does this strange and sordid history sound like the way the Lord would bring His truth to birth?

pdf 4. Jesus' Own Timeline Popular

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WP.Prepare by Knowing the Timeline.pdf

Did Jesus give us a timeline for the major events of the End Times? Yes, He did! This wonderful timeline functions like a skeleton, providing the structural element that supports living flesh and connects it the right way.

Signs of Jesus' Return

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WR.As in the Days of Noah.pdf

This illustration is a perfect example of how words in scripture can be lifted out of their context, then have their meaning completely twisted, So, before we start jumping for joy at "being taken away," let's listen to what Jesus was actually saying.

When is the Rapture? As in the days of Noah

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WR.At the Last Trumpet.pdf

The “last trumpet” should be the last word on when the Rapture will take place. Yet, even clear signs can be misunderstood. Let this passage be a trumpet call to a sane and sensible interpretation of the timing of the Lord’s Return.

When is the Rapture of believers?

pdf Be Patient Until the Lord Comes Popular

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WR.Be Patient Until the Lord's Coming.pdf

This is perhaps “the least” of the New Testament passages concerning the Last Days. Despite its humble appearance, it still has some powerful things to say to us about the timing of the Rapture and of the Lord’s Return.

When is the Rapture of believers?


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WR.Blessed Are the Dead.pdf

Can a passage from the middle of the Tribulation period give us insight into when the Rapture of believers takes place? Indeed, it can. Could be it’s time to come down from the clouds and see earth events by the light of scripture.

When is the Rapture of believers?

pdf For the Sake of the Elect Popular

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WR.For the Sake of the Elect.pdf

Being the “elect” of God isn’t exactly what we might wish it to be. Get ready for the trials and troubles of the End Times. It looks like we have been chosen for a lot of things that we would never have signed up for—if that choice were ours to make.

When is the Rapture of believers?

pdf For You Do Not Know Popular

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WR.For You Do Not Know.pdf

Can we take the blindfolds off now? What is the point of watching and waiting, if there will be no sign of His coming? What is the true point of His warning in this passage? Let’s open our eyes and read the scripture with spiritual vision.

When Is the Rapture?

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This one stern statement of Jesus should end the debate about the timing of the Rapture. Jesus warns us that we had better be prepared to hunker down and endure to the very end of the times He describes in order to be saved.

When is the Rapture of believers?

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WR.He Who Overcomes.pdf

Jesus has a lot to say in the Book of Revelation about overcoming. How can you be an overcomer, unless you have something tremendous to overcome? No medals are ever given for those who flee from danger.

When is the Rapture of believers?

pdf In the Twinkling of an Eye Popular

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WR.In the Twinkling of an Eye.pdf

This amazing transformation gets overlooked in the debate over the Rapture where the focus is on the when, not the amazing what. Catch the wink you’ll get a clear picture of when it all happens: You’re going to want to be “on the ground” for this.

When is the Rapture?

pdf Like a Thief in the Night Popular

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WR.Like a Thief in the Night.pdf

Who is the thief: Jesus or Satan? Will the real “thief” of this passage please stand up? And may the real victims of the “thievery” show yourselves! Here’s a hint: read this rightly and you will WANT to be left behind.

When is the Rapture of believers?


pdf Many Will Fall Away Popular

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WR.Many Will Fall Away.pdf

This warning of Jesus comes right at the beginning of what He was saying that the Church needed to be prepared to endure. But suppose we aren’t mentally and emotionally ready to endure the hardships He describes? Will we fall away?

When is the Rapture of believers?


pdf See that No One Leads You Astray Popular

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WR.See that No One Misleads You.pdf

Anyone studying the Last Days has this warning to contend with. We are told in advance that all kinds of deceptive teachings and beliefs are going to gain wide circulation. Some of the worst deceptions were already in place before we were born.

When is the Rapture?

pdf That Day Will Not Come Unless... Popular

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WR.That Day Shall Not Come Until.pdf

Many people are saying that the Rapture could happen “at any moment.” Just read this passage with faith-opened eyes and you will see that this kind of thinking is impossible. Because “that day shall not come until”—and that “until” hasn’t happened yet!

When is the Rapture of believers?


pdf The Dead Will Rise First Popular

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WR.The Dead Will Rise First.pdf

The rising of the righteous dead is an unmistakable element of what will happen when Jesus returns to reign upon the earth. That’s why what Paul put into this passage speaks so profoundly to us about the timing of the Rapture and the Tribulation.

When is the Rapture of believers?


pdf The Harvest at the End of the Age Popular

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WR.The Harvest at the End of the Age.pdf

This parable is meant to be a soul-stirring encouragement to believers who want to see a lot of souls saved. And it is. But it also brings a sobering message of doom to two groups whose primary focus is not the salvation of the lost.

When is the Rapture?

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WR.The Mark of the Beast.pdf

The mark of the beast! We have heard about it all our lives. That dreaded mark. When it appears, we’ll know that the choice is life or death in this life and eternal life or death in the next. Will we really be the ones who have to make that choice?

When is the Rapture?

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