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Folder 1. Saved by the Free Gifts! (20 PDFs)

It's hard to believe that God really does want to give us everything that we need for free. It helps to see all that He is giving us. Take a good look at the many ways you are saved by the “Free Gift” and let it overwhelm you… and transform you.

Russian Nesting Dolls : Saved by God's Free Gifts!


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Have you ever seen Russian Christmas dolls? One is nested inside the other, and on and on. God has done something like that with the “free gift” of salvation. Have a good look at all that is here (but even this isn’t all—it’s just an overview).

Russian Nesting Dolls : Saved by God's Free Gifts!

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It's hard to believe that God really does want to give us everything that we need for free. It helps to see all that He is giving us. Take a good look at the many ways you are saved by the “Free Gift” and let it overwhelm you… and transform you.

Russian Nesting Dolls : Saved by God's Free Gifts!

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We all want to be accepted, don't we? What if there is Someone who will never push us away, but always welcome us with open arms? Wouldn’t you want to go running to that Person? Wouldn’t you always want to be with that Person?

Dog Loving Cat : We Are Totally Accepted by God in Christ

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Why do we all need adoption? The truth is you were abandoned long ago and the consequences have been showing up painfully in your life ever since. Our Father has the perfect remedy, but first you have to recognize the disease.

New Life in Christ: Gifted with Adoption

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This is usually the first and the most desperately needed gift of all—apart from the never-ending wonder of discovering that Jesus is alive, Risen from the dead, and Ruler of the universe. You can’t top that one! But being forgiven comes close.

Bird Released from a Cage : Forgiven by God in Christ

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Glorification is God going "over the top." All we really needed Him to do was "save" us from our earthly hells that bound us and from the hell we were inevitably earning by our accumulated sins. He did that, then went light years beyond it...

Heavenly Glory : We Will Enter into and Share in His Glory

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Adding the divine Person of the Holy Spirit to this list of gifts is like adding the sun to a bag of marbles. He is so far above and beyond any mere thing we can be given. Yet, Holy Spirit is truly one of the "gifts" of saving grace we received from the Father.

Our God: Holy Spirit Our Helper on the Inside

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It is bad enough feeling guilty when we are guilty, but because we have an enemy (A.K.A. “The Accuser”), we also need powerful protection against that “shadowy” voice which is always finding fault. God’s answer to both? He “justified” us!

Openned Prison Doors : Justified by Faith in Christ

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Love is the greatest gift of all. It is the reason that all the other gifts have been given. If you have received faith in Christ, this is no accident. So great is the mystery of God’s love for us that Jesus said the Father loves us even as much as He loves Jesus!

Trusting Look : How can I get salvation? Can I be saved?

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This is a word we never use, but is it an action we no longer do? We do it all the time! In trying to gain favor, placate anger, or appease demands we have been “propitiating” without even know it. Yet, God did it best of all when God did it for God...

The Cross of Christ : Jesus Is Our Propitiation : Sacrifice

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The Lord’s rescue of us has all the elements of a great romance. It is the hidden truth of our story. What could turn the bride-to-be’s heart better than that sight of her Beloved risking His all to ransom her from the grip of pure evil?

Romance Bible Style : Jesus Fought to become Our Ransom

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It feels terrible when a relationship is out of whack—and so peaceful when it is restored. Our relationship with God was in desperate need of reconciliation, even if we didn’t know it. The peace of Christ is the peace of reconciliation!

Dove of Peace : God Is Reconciled to Us : Peace with Go

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The idea behind redemption is payment of a debt, setting free from slavery or captivity, or buying back something sold. Jesus, our mighty Redeemer, does all of the above! That’s the meaning. The application has endless possibilities…

Broken Chains: Set Free : Jesus Our Redeemer Lives!

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Regeneration means that we have been brought back to life: re-generated. Of course, it can be made much more complicated by asking the obvious question: "Was I dead and didn't know it?" Yes, that's it! “But in what way dead?

New Life: Gifted with Regeneration: Eyes of Faith

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You may be thinking, "I already have lots of people in my life—that's the problem!" We all have relationships with other people, but that's not what the new birth brings us. It doesn't bring us more of the same; it radically changes what we have.

Starfish on Beach : New Relationships with God, Self, Others

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Have you ever thought of repentance as a gift? It sure doesn't feel that way! When we do wrong, we feel guilt which feels lousy—not at all like receiving a present. Not good, right? Just guessing: you probably didn’t like to take your medicine either.

Man at the Cross : The Grace of Return by Repentance

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Because He lives, we have a solid hope that we too will be raised from death. Don’t stop there. Many things go down towards death: hopes die, relationships die, careers die, loved ones die, dreams die. Our need for “resurrections” is life-long!

Empty Tomb : Gifted with Resurrection to New Life

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You are trapped in a dark room and can't find the door. Then, some kind Person turns on the lights for you. Now you can see your way around. You can even see the One who took pity on you and enlightened you. What a revelation!

Turning on a Light : Gifted with Revelation by God

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Get used to being saved. It is a whole new way of life. From reminders that come in the nick of time, to deliverance from oppressive feelings, to helping with problems at work, at home, with finances, etc. Make sure His number is on speed dial!

Child Being Carried : God Our Savior : Jesus Saves Us

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Sanctification simply means that we are being washed clean. We are being cleansed of wrong thoughts, mistaken beliefs, sinful practices—all kinds of things that get in the way of the peace-filled, grace-full way of life set before us.

Scrub Basin : Holy Spirit Washes and Sanctifies Us

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